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Color A Black hat, red top
Color B Black hat, yellow top
Color C Black hat, blue top
Color D Black hat, purple top
Color E Black hat, teal top
Color F All black hat
Price $18.00
(Does not include shipping or sales tax.)
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Have you long harbored a desire to have the panache of a Parisian? Attendez-vous no longer, mon ami. Simply slip on our perfectly Parisian pliable Pillbox and you can walk the Rue de la Paix with the best of them.

We dare you not to look great in this little number.

The Pillbox is made from lightweight microfiber fleece, doubled and sewn to a top round. When worn rolled up it provides 4 layers of insulating soft fabric around the ears and is exceptionally comfortable. It's available in black with a round top in red, blue, gold, purple, teal or black.

Our classic Pillbox speaks the language of style. From Cherbourg to your burg (ouch!) you'll be instantly understood. Just let the hat do the talking.

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Wanna talk? Send us email, 'phone us: +1 415 863-3878, fax us: +1 303 440-4770.
This page and hat designs Copyright © 1998 Levine Squared, LLC. All rights reserved.
"Hat Factory," "Red Rabbit," "Lapin Rouge" and all other marks are trademarks of Levine Squared, LLC.
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